I’ve spent some time recently thinking about what we in sports actually give to our fans, other than a ticket to an event and some humor on social media.
What does the team-fan relationship actually come from?
We want to make our fans feel like they are part of something special -- because the truth is that they are.
What are fans looking for?
They want a direct connection to their team; to feel valued in that relationship. I could argue that some would want to be a thought leader in their community when it comes to their team -- and they would like to be in control of their time.
(Photo by Alex Edelman/Getty Images)
Ideally, we -- as teams -- should work to provide that value and align with what our fans want.
While obviously there is much more than this, and some probably overlap, I actually think fans give us (sports organizations, college athletics, etc.) the following:
Word of Mouth
You cannot question the amount of time dedicated fans spend with us. They have plenty to choose from: moments with friends and family, participating in their own extracurricular activities, and of course, Netflix. It shouldn’t be taken for granted with how often our fans are invested in our mission, watching our teams, interacting on social, etc. That is the most valuable asset people have these days and we’re lucky to have it.
(Photo via Digital Trends)
Money, of course, is something that fans give us. Especially for those especially who attend events and are purchasing tickets; that is revenue that goes right back into the system to create even better experiences. Merchandise is certainly a factor in this; as our donations in college athletics.
Passion. This certainly isn’t a tangible item, rather something that creates emotion. Sports fans are some of the most vocal and energetic folks around the world. Just take a look at this entrance for Real Madrid’s players before a match. This is what it’s all about -- and the WHY behind the reason sports are celebrated at such a grand scale. This community aspect is contagious and powerful, both at the same time.
Word of Mouth: Fans give us word of mouth marketing. This is why families and friends so often root for the same team. Ideas and passion spread.
Additionally - to create value, what are those fans getting from us? What are we giving them?
Community (among family, friends and even strangers)
Memories. Oh yes, that’s a huge part of it. This is what it’s all about. People relive those epic moments and can pinpoint what they were doing, who they were with, when those specific moments happened. Tiger’s win at The Masters this past week will be one of those moment; as are the Miracle on Ice and when the Patriots overcame a 28-3 in the Super Bowl, for example. And when it’s your team, you have several of these moments that mean so much to you.
While the far majority of teams fail to win a championship in a given year there is bound to be disappointment. Only one team in each league will end the year as the champion. While this happens, it’s the joy that causes us to come back each day, week, month, season. When you see your team doing great things it does spark joy -- and helps cultivate hope for an upcoming season.
(Photo by Getty Images)
Yes - we are entertainment. We are a form of escape. Whether you’re crushing work, school or going through struggles -- sport provides a unique distraction to the real life. While a certain game, match, event, etc. is going on, as an example, it’s the only thing that matters for those three hours. And it’s not just used to distract people form their ongoing trials and tribulations, but to help folks cope with them, too. Think about the several moments where sports were there to provide optimism. In New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and George W. Bush’s first pitch at Yankee Stadium after 9/11 come to mind.
Lastly, similar to memories, we are in the business of community. We provide a place for family, friends -- heck, even strangers -- to be unified for a common good of a winning team. And that is global; it could be at the specific arena of play, at your house or a local bar. We strive to put together an incredible community, and that’s what is magical: sport brings people together. While we connect with our fans on an individual basis, our fans also connect with other fans.
This mostly involves the competition and events side of sports, which is the root of this emotion and the essence of what we’re all about. But to provide a first-class experience in 2019, I believe you need a constant digital presence that revolves around the fan. This provides a next-level relationship for which we’re striving and ensures your fans are committed all year-long.
I’m sure are several things I haven’t even considered or included in these lists. If you have something else to include here, feel free to find me on Twitter and ping me @BrianRWagner.