The Weekly Minute - September 22, 2023
Hello folks. Welcome to Fall. :)
I had a great week traveling for work, having some important directional meetings. In addition, our team participated in a service project benefiting young kids.
What I Read
Failure to Launch: Delta Delivered Bad News And Did It Poorly (via Adweek)
Delta Air Lines fumbled the rollout of its SkyMiles program changes, according to Jonathan Jacobs. The company failed to show empathy for its loyal customers, who are most affected by the changes. Additionally, Delta went MIA after announcing the changes, leaving customers with unanswered questions. This lack of communication has further eroded trust with customers.
“Here are a few takeaways on what marketers can learn from communicating tough business decisions:
Empathy should not be a disappearing act
Nobody likes radio silence
The importance of taking accountability”
Strategy for the Experience Economy (via Roger Martin)
Roger Martin says that businesses that want to succeed in the experience economy need to focus on providing outcomes, not products or services. They also need to consider the social dimension of their offerings.
“Last year over one million quarter-inch drills were sold — not because people wanted quarter-inch drills but because they wanted quarter-inch holes.” The moral equivalent from Pine and Gilmore is that parents didn’t want a cake, they wanted a great birthday experience for their child — and were willing to pay 100X for it” - Clay Christenson
A Few Thoughts
Work on stuff that matters
Everything is figure-out able
A Quote
I do not want to be in the business of playing it safe, I want to be in the business of creating possibilities for greatness. - Bob Iger from The Ride of a Lifetime
Healthcare Corner
“If there’s one silver bullet to improve healthcare, it’s human connection.”
“Human connection also plays an important role in clinical care. Heart attack patients who report positive hospital experiences show better outcomes one year later. And patients are more compliant with treatment and follow-up when they believe their providers are good communicators.” - Vitulity [link here]